First Time Camping



I had never been camping ever so when I was invited to go camping, I did not hesitate to say yeah! Especially since I’ve been wanting to try out astrophotography for a while though I wasn’t 100% sure I’d be able to see the stars. The stage was set for a great experience in the mountains and of course an opportunity to get different pictures than I had been getting up to then. 



The camping experience started at around 1 when we had arrived at the campsite. At that point in time, we didn’t know whether we’d even be able to camp because there were no reservations. It was first come, first serve so to our surprise, the campsite was almost empty with us being only the 2nd group there. We quickly got set up and relaxed for a bit. I must say, I did not know camping could be so relaxing and I’ll definitely be learning from the experience (such as making sure to bring my Ipad and bringing my portable speaker).
After relaxing a bit, we got up and started traveling around. We decided to make our way to Blueridge Lookout/Peak and stay there until sunset. It was an amazing sight and the breeze made it so much better!
Getting a couple of drinks from a local town nearby, we headed back to the campsite to eat dinner. I didn’t think the day could get more exciting, but I was wrong. To my surprise, the light pollution from LA didn’t reach so the stars were visible! I can’t express how excited I was and started to get pictures left and right. The night ended with my friend and I chatting and drinking and I can’t think of a more relaxing way to end the trip.

1時くらいにキャンプサイトへ着いた。実は、先着順で予約できないから「キャンプできるの」って気持ちがあった。着いたら、意外に一つのグループしかなかった。そのあとで、15分くらいでテントを張った。キャンプすることがめっちゃ落ち着けるのは知らなかった!この経験ですごく勉強になりました(次はIPADを絶対に持っていくとか)。リラックスしたあとで夕方までBlue Ridgeっていうところに行くことにした。景色がすごく綺麗よ!風も気持ちよくて最高!日が沈んだら近くの町に行ってビールを買ってキャンプサイトに戻った。これ以上に盛り上がるわけがないと思ったけど、それは違う。光がなかったから星が見えた!見えたあああああああ!そういう気持ちを言葉にできなくてめちゃ写真を撮った。飲み終わったらちょっと話をして寝ることにした。


This was a new experience that many younger than me have probably experienced before. But who’s to say what age is too old to experience something new? I don’t think that’ll ever really be the case. The ones who continue to experiment and live are the ones end up enjoying life more. I thoroughly believe in never letting yourself get content in life. Once you do, life gets boring and life is too precious for that to happen right?



Sunrise! And More!
