
I had woken up to my alarm set at 4:15 A.M and readied for the sun rise. Or so I thought at least. Arriving at Hermosa Beach, the fog was so overwhelming and visibility was not good at all. Needless to say, I was a bit disappointed, even more so since this had been the 3rd time I had woken up early to see no sun rise this summer. But I couldn’t use that as an excuse and went on to enjoy my morning.



Going in with a couple of ideas in mind for pictures I wanted, I set out for the boardwalk first. There were fishermen peacefully fishing along the edges of the boardwalk and people jogging. It was quite relaxing to just watch everyone go about their daily lives on the beach. After the boardwalk, I really wanted to try getting pictures of the ocean close up as well as one underneath the boardwalk so I set my way towards that direction. 
Underneath the boardwalk awaited some unbelievable views of the ocean. The fog really made it feel like something out of a movie. Even though the weather wasn’t exactly what I had hoped for, I was still very excited with trying to use the fog to create some pictures. 
The beach started filling up at around 7 A.M so I decided to leave the boardwalk and walk along the road. The calmness of early mornings along with the fog brought a nice relaxing feeling that makes me want to wake up at 4 every day!



At around 8:00 A.M, I started heading back to my car to drive back. It was only 2 hours or so of taking pictures. It wasn’t very long and I wish I had more time, but looking back on my experience today, it really reinforced a couple of thoughts in my mind. First, it’s a concept that was introduced to me from Jason Vong. It’s the idea that even if you get only one picture you’re proud of for a shoot, it was worth it. Second, lightning is of course very important for photography, if not the most important, but for days when the weather is noncompliant, you should try your best and never blame yourself. There are always positives and negatives for every type of weather condition so try and take advantage of each moment!

8時くらいに帰ることにした。2時間だけ写真を撮った。もっと撮りたかったんだけど、三つの考えを思い出した。一つ目は「Jason Vong」っていうユーチューブフォトグラファーが紹介した考え。その考えは「写真を撮るとき、一つでものいい写真が撮れたら、成功だよ」。二つ目は天気がよくなくても頑張ったら自分を責めるのはだめ。もちろん、明るさは一番大事なんだけど、雨でも強い日の日でも霧でもそれぞれはいいポイントと悪いポイントがあるからカメラがあれば大丈夫だよ!


First Time Camping