Sunrise! And More!


After last week’s relaxing weekend, it felt great to go somewhere new this weekend and see what I could capture. I decided to try and see if I could finally get a nice sunrise this summer which led to me waking up at 4:30 A.M on Saturday. That night, I only had 4 hours or so of sleep as I had stayed up a little too late playing games with a friend. But my energy kept me going for that morning.


Getting to Laguna Beach at around 5:40 A.M, it was still dark, but the beauty of the place was still visible. In front of Crescent Bay Point Park, there were a bunch of rabbits just running around on the grass. I was amazed! I had never seen such a sight before! I slowly walked right past them and went to get to know the location before the sun rises. Going through in the dark, it was a bit eery, but I managed to quickly shake off the feeling as I took my first glance at the ocean and mountains with the city and houses still lit up by lights. The sight was amazing and it was hard to take everything in. I’m not sure how to explain it, but I love the feeling I had. It was a feeling of excitement and adventure. 
One thing that I noticed was because there were mountains, I didn’t really see the sun rise as the mountains were blocking it, but the colors were still amazing and when the sun finally peaked over the mountains, it made for some great pictures. 

5時40分くらいにラグナビーチでCrescent Bay Point Parkっていう公園に着いた。すごく暗かったけど、どうしてこんなに綺麗なの?!って綺麗さに感動した。公園の前にうさぎがすごいたくさんいた!それは見たことなくてびっくりした!ゆっくり通り過ぎて日の出の前に「こんな写真が撮りたいな〜」って思いがあるから公園を散歩したかった。ちょっと怖かったけど、街の灯りと一緒に海とか山を見て、その怖い気持ちはすぐになくなった。景色はすごすぎて落ち着けなかった。よく説明できないなんだけど、その気持ちはすごく好き。冒険みたいな気持ちですね。

I figured since I was already in Laguna Beach, I might as well search around the area and see what other cool places I could find. I ended up being surprised at what I discovered. Near Crescent Bay Point Park is Crescent Bay Beach. It’s not the most spectacular beach by any means, but it’s relaxing and a good place to enjoy the ocean. Next to Crescent Bay Beach is Shaw’s cove. Between those two beaches is actually a nice little secret beach called Twin Points. I entered through Crescent Bay Beach, which takes crossing over some rocks. The sights were spectacular. You can actually climb over some rocks and get a spectacular view of the ocean and people scuba-diving. 

せっかくだから近くのビーチとか公園に行った。それをしてよかった。Crescent Bay Point Parkの近くのビーチはCrescent Bay Beachっていうビーチだよ。「こんな素敵なビーチがあったの?!」って程度じゃないけど、すごく落ち着いてる場所だよ。隣でShaw’s Coveっていうビーチがある。二つのビーチはTwin Pointsっていう秘密みたいなビーチがあるんだよ!沿岸の岩に登って無事にCrescent Bay Beachを歩き終わった。Twin Pointsからの景色はめちゃ素敵だった。よりいい景色とかスキューバダイビングする人が見れるよ!

I wanted to stay longer, but I ended up getting my entire foot soaked in water when trying to get a picture. It was unfortunate, but definitely hilarious and something I didn’t mind too much. It’s what comes with going to the beach! 
I’ve slowly learned something very obvious the past couple of weeks. You should really enjoy the process of photography and going around taking pictures. Of course, there will be times you aren’t in the greatest places or most exciting places to take pictures, but you can always make ways to challenge yourself in those situations to make them more enjoyable. If you aren’t enjoying the photography, chances are your pictures will reflect that. It’s hard to get pictures you really like when you yourself aren’t having a good time. So get out there and enjoy getting pictures you’re proud of! 



Street Photography in Chinatown and Little Tokyo


First Time Camping