The Next Level + Pics

For this week, I made quite a few changes to try and help my productivity and reduce the stress that has been accumulating over the past couple months with trying to balance work and get better at photography. I’ll also be talking about the 3 places I went to this week: 
1) Ascot Hills
2) Koreantown
3) Downtown LA



This week was crazy weather wise. On Monday, we had our first storm in a long while and it had randomly rained throughout the entire day. So when Wednesday came through, I had noticed there were quite a bit of clouds in the sky and hoped they would stay. My wish had come true and when I got off work, I noticed they were beautifully moving through the sky. I quickly had changed my plans of going to Chinatown to Ascot Hills as that’s the only close landscape type of place I know of. Once I arrived, I quickly made my way to “the spot” in Ascot Hills where you can get the best view of the buildings and the streets. The view was beautiful and as the sun set, the sky turned light orange and slowly to deep red. Though unfortunately, I came back home to 2 nails in my tires… 

今週は、天気はすごく変だよ。月曜日は、久しぶりに雷が鳴った。日中に、雨が降って止んでまた降った。だから、水曜日に雲を見たら、まだ仕事の後にいてほしいって思った。以外なごとに、仕事の後にまだ雲が横切っていたから、Chinatownに行く予定だったスケジュールを早く変えてAscot Hillsに行った。仕事の近くの風景と言えば、私にとってはAscot Hills。着いたら、最高の見晴らしのところにまっすぐに行った。景色はめっちゃ綺麗で日が沈めば沈むほど、オレンジ色から深い赤になっていった。その後で、残念ながら、釘がタイヤに刺さってパンクした。


After work on Friday, I made my way to Koreatown to take pictures (and buy Jo Yuri’s new album “Glassy”). The traffic was INSANE and I mean worse than what I had previously thought about LA traffic. It took me an hour to go 12 miles. 12 MILES! At around 6, I got to Choice Music, a popular K-pop store, only to find out they didn’t have Yuri’s album yet as it just came out in Korea so they probably wouldn’t get it until next week which makes sense. I guess I’ll have to wait until then. 
Moving onto photography, the day actually didn’t go that well for me. Parking was a hassle and that really took a toll on me. I tried to shake it off, but I just couldn’t find much I was happy with on site. Coming back to the pictures from that day though, I ended up liking quite a bit of them so I’m actually pretty happy with the result!

金曜日は、仕事の後でコリアタウンに行った。写真を撮りたいのはもちろんだけど、Jo Yuriっていう女性K-POPのアイドルの新アルバムがリリースされたから、買いに行きたかった。めっちゃ渋滞してたよ。20キロくらいで1時間かかったんだ。それはおかしいよね?!6時間くらいに、Choice Musicに着いた。やっと買えるな〜と思ったんだけど、なかった。韓国はリリースされたばかりだから、アメリカは来週くらいにリリスされるかもしれないって言われた。待つしかないか。


After what I had thought was a disappointing Friday shoot, I wanted to really go out on Saturday and have fun around the city. That wasn’t what had happened though. I walked around city and ended up not even taking many pictures. The setting and location just felt bland and I felt more ready to leave than to stay there. I walked from the California Plaza to Staples Center and back hoping to find something I liked, but nothing stood out to me that I felt was something to take a picture of. I ended up only staying for 2 hours or so and left. I ended up only liking a couple of pictures from there.

思わしくないと思った金曜日の後は、乗り越えるために、土曜日に楽しく写真を撮りたかった。でも、そんなに楽しくないよ。Downtown LAを周って写真をあんまり撮らなかった。そんなにインスパイヤって感じがなかったから、もっと撮りたい!って感じより帰りたかった。めちゃ歩いてたけど、あんまり楽しくないから、2時間だけ写真を撮ってた。写真が4枚しか好きじゃなかった。


After this week, it has become even more apparent than before that I had to be more organized when it came to my goals and what I want to do as well as have all the information I want in one place. Pat Kay, a photographer I follow, has a youtube video explaining all the apps he uses that helps him which is where I got the information I needed to help with this organization. 
That video is: 
The list of apps:
1) Drafts: This app lets write down ideas and notes really quickly. It’s super convenient. Just open and bam, you’re ready.
2) Notion: This app may be my favorite. Years ago, I made my own discord channel to store all my notes I needed for everything: Japanese, Shows, Grammar, Travel Plans, Hobbies, Music, Photography, etc. Notion has now taken that place where I can store everything in a “Central Hub”. It really is the best.
3) Fantastical: It’s a calendar app that is easier to use than the iPhone calendar. However, I’m still trying to learn how to use it on an actual computer.
4) Ulysses: I actually haven’t really gotten to use this app, but it’s perfect for working on scripts or blogs so I’ll definitely be using this to help make this blog more organized!

今は、明らかにもっと目的とか情報とか整理しなきゃいけないと思う。好きなフォトグラファーってPat Kayはアプリのことを説明してそのアプリを使い始めた。


One of the Best Sunsets I’ve Ever Seen


Street Photography in Chinatown and Little Tokyo