One of the Best Sunsets I’ve Ever Seen

On Saturday, I felt like riding around the beach so I set out to Hermosa Beach for the sunset. Little did I know that the sunset that evening would be one for the ages.


I arrived at Hermosa Beach at around 3:30 P.M and went to the Hermosa Cyclery to rent a bike. Learning from my last time riding bikes around Hermosa, I rented the 7 speed bike to avoid being super sore the next day! I love the feeling of the wind blowing in your face, just riding around and enjoying the view. I brought my recently purchased GoPro with me to play around with as well and test out. The verdict was that the magnetic swivel that I attached to my backpack wasn’t ideal if I wanted good POV footage as it’s probably quite distracting when I take off my backpack. Riding through all the way to Dockweiler Beach, I noticed the sun beginning to set and the waves getting a bit rougher. I decided to head back as I wasn’t sure whether I wanted to ride down to Rodondo Beach for the sunset or stay at Hermosa to get some pictures.

3時半にハモサビーチに着いて自転車を「Hermosa Cyclery」っていうお店に真っ直ぐ借りに行った。前回より自転車借りに詳しくなっているから、「7 Speed Bike」っていう自転車を借りた。前回は「1 Speed Bike」って自転車を借りてから、一週間股がめっちゃ痛かったよ。風が強く顔に吹き付ける感じがすごく好き。それに、先日買った「Go Pro」にもっと詳しくなりたかったから、「Go Pro」で私が写真を撮ることを撮影した。わかるのは、バックパックに「Go Pro」を付いたら、動画がまじでやばい。いいPOV動画に絶対ふさわしくないから、多分、削除する。「Dockweiler Beach」ってビーチまで自転車に乗って、日が沈み始めたことに気ついたから、ロドンドビーチかハモサビーチで日の出の写真を撮ることにした。

Getting back to Hermosa, I noticed the beautiful scenery along the beach. The clouds were perfect and the colors were amazing. I realized I wouldn’t be able to make it to Rodondo so I quickly rushed onto the beach to get near the water and set up my tripod. I got some pictures of the beautiful colors the sunset brought along with the Hermosa Pier. After the sunset came blue hour and the blue and pink that came out were amazing as well. I can’t remember the last time I had seen a sunset like that.





The Next Level + Pics