Change Comes From Within

Starting off this year, I knew I had specific goals that I wanted to accomplish. I knew I wanted to

  1. Get better at photography and keep growing in this aspect which includes more specific goals to achieve this by:
    -Going out to shoot at least 3 times a week (hopefully 4)
    -Refine compositional skills and seek out creative ways to develop other skills
    -Posting daily onto instagram to encourage shooting as much as possible
    -Continue to grow towards my ideal editing style while pursuing new creative ideas

  2. Start posting videos on youtube in hopes to get better at video editing and going into the world of videography/vlogging

  3. Creating a better website to ensure my “central hub” is as good as possible

I have been pursuing the first goal very seriously since the middle of last year or so and have seen huge progress and major strives in terms of where I would like my photos to be. I still have lots I can learn, but I am very happy with my progress. I would like to continue and maybe even step on the gas pedal, but I also have to be mindful of burn out as it is definitely real. Taking my time is pivotal for the long run.

Videography and video editing has been on my list of things to learn for quite a while, but I’ve always procrastinated and told myself I need more videography gear such as a gimbal or a go pro to capture videos to my liking. One gimbal and go pro later and I’ve still yet to make a video. I heard a great quote from the “Pierre T. Lambert” Podcast in his latest episode with Erick Hercules that goes “Perfectionism is the best excuse for procrastination” and that hit me hard. So with that, I’m going to film my first vlog/video tomorrow for my trip to Joshua Tree. Stay tune for that video!

This third goal really isn’t something that I’ll begin as I want to switch from WordPress to Squarespace once my contract ends with WordPress as I don’t want to learn and deal with programming and coding my own website. I heard Squarespace is super simple so I’m hoping that will help me really organize my website and make it more to my liking.

With all these goals, I felt good heading into the New Years. I felt very driven and hungry to get better. However, through this first week, work has really been quite a pain. My realization that I could be taking pictures and enjoying photography instead of working has been on my mind throughout every workday. It was definitely in my mind last year as well, but now that has been multiplied. I know work is essential to obviously pay the bills and live, but the fact that I’m so unproductive at work, photography wise, has really made me a bit stressed. It’s definitely a change of mindset that I need ensure I don’t go crazy from these thoughts. Another quote from the Pierre T. Lambert podcast is “The act of doing nothing, if you’re enjoying it, means you’re doing something”. I don’t enjoy working at my job at all, but I think it puts into perspective that my whole entire life 24/7 does not need to be related to photography. It is okay for me to do other things. I have to let that guilt go. That will also help me learn how to relax (that’s another topic for another day lol).

This has been my thoughts recently. For my most recent photos, check above!


So Far Through 2022


Crazy Weather Recently